Sabtu, 16 November 2013

What Should I Do?

you love but you're wrong.
please, deep damn with fashion! they catch my attention while i can't divide my time well. why did i'd rather like to spend my time to stalking my hobby while i lost my calculation of math. tbh i won't it to be happened. i try to reach and stand on my achievement but i think i'm gonna give the worse for my semester. i tried hard and bring my fault as motivation with many witnesses but all i got are bullshit and i'm swallowing those things which flowering my heart with thousands of DREAM.
HARVARD. I really want to go there.
i don't know whether i am wrong in study or am i low in measurement. but all i gotta say is "The Things Which Probably a Very Beautiful Flower, They are Beneath a Very Sharp Husk Which Can Kill You"
if I can't replace my fault, I won't be angry because I will kill my self with thousand of fear and guilty. RISK.
I live with fate. and my fate is BECOMING SOMEONE WHO CAN DO ANYTHING BEST.
I want to be a very useful personal for people and sphere...
I want to live with all those humble of my knowledge...
I know You hear my mind....